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Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) Technological Modernization Credit Program


Borrower's Name: NEURON Software Information Technology Consulting and Trading Limited Liability Company

Brief Overview of Working Capital Financing: In order to allocate our existing resources towards further development of our activities, we aim to utilize interest-free loans to finance the salaries of our employees and related payroll taxes. The requested 100 million HUF working capital loan aligns with the eligible costs outlined in the Call for Proposals under the section "Scope of Eligible Costs," specifically addressing the "Costs of financing operational costs" as described in section d) "Labour costs in accordance with Section 79 of the Labour Code (excluding telecommuting)."

Identification Number of the Credit Program: H-EKTG2/107926/2023/470308/001

Supporting Fund: European Regional Development Fund

Legal Basis for Support in Case of GINOP-8.3.5_B Credit Objective: Pursuant to Section 6(2) of Government Decree 255/2014 (X.10.), the objective is to create opportunities for growth and employment expansion for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).




Széchenyi 2020